Youth Apprenticeship
Conway, Vilonia, Greenbrer and Cabot
A United States Department of Labor approved Youth Apprenticeship program allows for individuals who are 16 to 24 years old to enroll in a registered apprenticeship program while still attending school full-time, either high school or college. The premise of Youth Apprenticeship is for younger individuals to become employed and begin their apprenticeship program sooner while receiving credit for Class Hours and OJT hours counting toward program completion. Youth Apprenticeship programs are required to have USDOL-approved standards.
Youth apprentice requirements:
1. Age 16 to 24
2. Attending high school or college as a full-time student
3. Completed a signed 671 with employer and parent
signature if still under 18
4. Receiving RTI through a Youth Apprenticeship program
5. Receiving paid OJT while working for an employer
6.Follow the State and Federal Child Labor Laws
7. Follow any state license requirements